Friday, April 17, 2009

Review: Bitch Slap Cosmetics

Hello Lovely's-
Today I did a review on a brand new cosmetics line called Bitch Slap Cosmetics. I was surfing the web one day when I came across this website. The products looked super amazing and I did a search on youtube to see a review on it. I soon discovered that there was hardly anything on the line. After doing some further digging i discovered it was new and I just HAD to try it. I ordered all six paint wheels off the site for $90. You can also order them individually for $18. I looked on the site today and they have a new product in that I would love to get my hands on as well. They are called Kaleidoscope Wheels. I just might have to buy some. ANYWAYS! Back to paint wheels...

The name is cute, the packaging is cute and the color payoff is AMAZING! It has some of the best color payoff I have seen in awhile. The ones I bought are called..

Sweet Bitch

Jealous Bitch

Blue Eyed Bitch

Crazy Bitch

Evil Bitch

Innocent Bitch

They all have AMAZING color pay off except innocent bitch but that is a neutral one so its not suppose to be bright. My absolute favorite is sweet bitch! That hot pink color blows me away! I defiantly recommend these eyeshadow for those of you who are looking for something bright! If your into more light shades the innocent bitch is the one for u.

WARNING: These eyeshadow do have major fall out, but the color is worth it. Put your eye makeup on BEFORE foundation so you can wipe away anything that falls.

Buy this makeup at:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Im so-o excited to have my very own blog! This is just a tester to see if i got it down :)
